Follow Along on Data Standards Report Updates with REPORTcollection

ICA is grateful to our HMIS end user community for your patience as we update the custom reports in our library so they work with the FY24 HUD and MN Data Standards changes. To make sure users have the information they need about whether they can run a report, we are using REPORTcollection to communicate up-to-the-minute update status, and we will share monthly updates about our overall progress here in the newsletter.

When the FY24 HUD and MN Data Standards changes went into effect, they impacted nearly every custom report in our library. Until they are updated, reports will show incorrect and missing information. We know that users need reports to do their jobs, and we are working hard to make updates so users can confidently run the reports they need.

Here is a snapshot of our progress so far:

So far, we have completed updates on 14 reports that were scheduled for October. We've got three reports in progress, and two more October reports to start.

Wondering how to find out which reports are completed, and when the reports you need are scheduled for update? REPORTcollection is the place to go!

The "Estimated Fix" field lets users know when a report is scheduled for update and when it is completed.

Here's a list of the options that can appear in the Estimated Fix field, and what they mean:

  • Completed: This report's current version works with the FY24 Data Standards. Hooray! If you have favorited this report, make sure you are running the current version by checking the "Current Version" field.

  • Scheduled for Early October or Scheduled for Late October: We expect this report to be completed in October, but it's not completed yet. Check back often.

  • Scheduled for November: We expect this report to be completed in November, but it's not completed yet. Check back in November.

  • Scheduled for December: We expect this report to be completed in December, but it's not completed yet. Check back in December.

  • Scheduled TBD (Contact Helpdesk): This report doesn't have an update scheduled yet because it is a lower priority than those with scheduled updates. Please contact the Helpdesk if you need a report in this category.

  • Retirement pending; will not be updated: We do not expect to update this report because it is going to be retired. Please contact the Helpdesk if you need a report in this category.

  • Managed by WellSky: WellSky, the software vendor, is responsible for updating these reports. Check the FY24 Data Standards webpage for the latest information we have heard from WellSky about these reports. If a report's status is 'Managed by WellSky', that means they have not updated it yet for the Data Standards changes. When a report managed by WellSky is confirmed to be Completed, the status here in REPORTcollection will be updated to Completed.

We want this information to be as easy as possible for users to access and use, and we understand users will have questions. Please contact the Helpdesk if we can help you learn about and use reports.

John Ward