Hope to See You at the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Virtual Learning Series!

Have you heard? ICA will be presenting at the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless (MCH) Virtual Learning Series, on the topic of “Turning Data into Insight about Homelessness with HMIS”.

In the session, we’ll do a deep dive into how advocates can use publicly available data dashboards (the MN System Performance Dashboard and the Coordinated Entry Dashboard) to tell compelling, data-informed stories about homelessness in their communities and advocate for new resources and policy change.

There’s still time to register for the Virtual Learning Series, which starts on Monday, November 16 – click this link to learn more at the MCH website.

Though we wish we could hand out chocolate and physically spend time with users in the way we could at last year’s MCH Conference, we hope to see folks from the HMIS community in our session, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share HMIS resources with a broad audience and present alongside many of our partners.